Non Destructive Testing
Non Destructive Testing (NDT) is the most effective way to ensure your products and materials are functioning safely and to the best of their abilities. The process is compulsory in many industries, and here at LJ’s Technical Services, we’re proud to offer our services to businesses across Australia.
Technicians in Non Destructive Testing (NDT) are possibly more crucial than a business may first realise. They are highly skilled specialists who test equipment securely by utilising a variety of methods and technology. NDT specialists use non-invasive techniques to evaluate a product’s performance and functionality, as opposed to destructive testing specialists. These techniques preserve the material’s general usability while being safe. They don’t hurt the product; instead, they increase its productivity and efficiency over time. But more crucially, NDT specialists are essential to the production process. Our involvement in this process can assist identify important problems and potential mishaps, preventing disastrous effects on enterprises and their workers.
Ultrasound Weld Inspections
= Ultrasound weld testing (UWT) or ultrasonic testing emits high-frequency sound waves from a transducer into an object material analysing returning waves to detect faults inside. Using multiple probes at different angles technicians can locate and size internal defects in welds and plate laminations or cracking
Magnetic Particle
= Used to detect and identify flaws in a variety of manufactured materials a Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) is a non-destructive testing (NDT) method that uses magnetic particles and fields to inspect surfaces and sub surfaces. MT is a surface inspection method used to aid visual inspection of ferrous parts for surface breaking defects.
Dye Penetrant
= Dye Penetrant (PT) is designed to aid the visual inspection of surface breaking flaws such as cracks, porosity, seams and other defects. Mostly used on stainless steel, aluminium, plastic etc.
Phased Array Inspection
= New technology taking over from RT (Radiography), PAUT has higher probability of detection than RT, its a lot faster & cost effective, eliminates the harmful radiation and exclusion zones so its much safer. Welders can do repairs straight away and reinspection can be done instantly. Cancels out all the delays and safety requirements RT requires.
Eddy Current Inspection
= ET can be used to detect near surface defects without the need to remove coating. Ideal for for various on-site and plant inspections. Common use is 10 yearly major inspections, gears and components, bolts & threads & in service assets.
Ultrasonic Thickness/Corrosion Inspection
= Using high frequency to measure material thicknesses in all types of material at different velocities.
Visual Inspection
= Visual is the most basic but most used inspection method. Defects and problems to assets can be detected by highly trained technicians before serious damage is done. Compliance inspection of mine site equipment, all site assets.
Asset Integrity Inspections
Useful in reducing risks an Asset Integrity Inspection involves carrying out planned quality inspections of equipment, buildings, and facilities to evaluate if they pass quality standards, and in doing so remain safe and in optimal operating condition.
Offering a range of inspection and testing capabilities to match the needs of your business, including non-destructive testing (NDT) methods such as eddy-current, ultrasonic test, and dye penetrant means we can conduct inspections with no damage and without compromising the integrity of equipment.
Our team of highly trained inspectors have extensive industry experience needed to assist your business with assessing remaining lifespan on machines, ensuring the safety and integrity of working components, whilst also protecting the wellbeing all off personnel and equipment.
Coating Inspection
= From NACE paint inspections to holiday spark testing, we can provide our clients with all there coating needs
Welding Inspection
= Weld inspections prevent dangerous and unsafe outcomes and plays a large part in structural integrity inspections. Our services include but not limited to, supervising welding operations, monitoring of shutdowns, inspections of structures, management of equipment assets, technical support for project and welding quality assurance.
Vac Box Inspection = Leak testing of welds. Commonly used on tank floors
Pressure Vessel Inspection
= In-service pressure vessel inspection, conducted in accordance with AS/NZS 3788. Survey conducted on boilers, pressure vessels & Associated pressure equipment, LPG tanks ect
Corrosion Survey
= Assessment to determine type and extent of corrosion on in-service plant and equipment. Early detection and prevention can reduce town time and operation cost, Extend plant life and avoid serious incidents.
Borescopic Inspection
= Inspection of limited access areas e.g. engine blocks, pressure vessels, piping, heat exchangers. Video and images can be captured and reported
Offering high quality inspections, our team have extensive experience in pressure vessel testing and inspections, ensuring your pressure vessels are properly maintained and inspected to meet safety standards.
Our inspection services utilise a range of non-destructive testing techniques specifically designed for pressure vessels meaning minimal impact to your business.
- CSG, natural gas, LPG & LNG vessels
- Power generation plants
- Air receivers
- Process piping
- Multi-stage compressors
- Pumps
- Line piping
- Anfo vessels
- Grit blasting pots
- Water heaters
- Transportable vessels
- Tank floor testing (surface or underside pitting & corrosion)
- Fuel Tanks
other Services
Pressure Relief Valves
= Sale & Calibration of PSVs all sizes.
Professional Witnessing
= Unbiased third party to witness a critical process, procedure or hold point. Hydrostatic Testing of pressure vessels, tank or pipelines. Procedure & welder qualifications. Torquing of joints and fasteners
Wind Turbine Inspections
= Inspection of wind turbine is becoming more and more of a demand. LJ’s has certified ASME wind turbine inspectors that can provide all your inspection needs
Our team offer expertise to the following industries;
- Oil and Gas
- Aerospace
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Power Generation
- Automotive
- Mining
- Maritime
- Chemicals
- Construction
- Fabrication
- Railway